Inheriting a loved one’s home with a reverse mortgage attached can create problems for heirs. They may face calls, collections efforts, and even foreclosure on their newly-inherited property. Find out the options to resolve reverse mortgage problem…
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After a loved one dies, you want the estate administration to go as smoothly and swiftly as possible, but sometimes the personal representative appointed by the Court is not up to the task. Family members can easily find themselves in over their head…
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The Last Will and Testament is the core of most estate plans. How you write your Will can affect who receives your property and how easy it is for your personal representative and the Florida probate court to honor your wishes. Here are some tips for…
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When a loved one dies in Florida, you and your family will certainly need time to grieve their loss. But the Florida probate laws say you can’t wait too long before you begin the estate administration process. Having an estate administration attorn…
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If a loved one has died in Florida, or owned real property in the state at the time of their death, you will likely need to head to the Florida probate court to resolve their affairs. However, knowing which probate process to use could save your fami…
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If you have found yourself responsible for a loved one’s affairs, or are trying to prepare your own estate plan, you likely are considering a trip to the Florida probate court. Knowing when probate is required in Florida, and what you can do ahead…
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The days following a loved one’s death can involve a flurry of trying to talk to banks, service providers, and others involved in your family member’s affairs. A deceased’s next of kin often receive letters in the mail from financial institutio…
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Just because someone wrote down what should happen to a person’s property after their death doesn’t mean they created a valid Will. Find out what a Will needs to include to be enforceable in a Florida probate court and what you will need to know…
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When the death of a loved one comes with an unexpected surprise, you might find yourself wondering what happened in their final days. You may be left wondering how to sue for inheritance if you were unexpectedly excluded, and whether the new estate p…
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If you have been named a personal representative for a loved one’s estate, you may suddenly find you have a lot on your plate. One of the less desirable parts of any personal representatives job is dealing with creditors seeking to collect on your…
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McCabe is a knowledgeable and compassionate estate planning and probate attorney with a special understanding of the financial and tax side of your final affairs. With an advanced degree (L.L.M.) in taxation, and deep connections to Florida, McCabe balances love and logic in helping his clients create and execute their estate plans.
Casey is a sympathetic and savvy probate attorney with nearly a decade of experience first working within, and later arguing in front of, Florida’s circuit and appellate courts. He applies this versatile background with attentiveness and an even-keeled approach to address your most complicated probate matters from an all-around perspective.
Attorney Julie Marble is our newest attorney and brings with her a wealth of knowledge from her background in business, finance, and education. Her prior experience provides an additional layer of understanding to complex estates and planning for the future and security of loved ones. With a passion for helping others and for the dynamics of the co…
Attorney J. Pierce Senkarik is a seasoned lawyer who is confident and comfortable in the courtroom with years of litigation experience. Having served his country in the United States Army, then served his community as a Prosecutor and Senior Trial Lawyer for the State of Florida, Pierce Senkarik is prepared to serve our clients and handle even the…